Steps 2-5 Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb
Norah looked up from her grating when she heard the professor say her name. Yup, that was her. Wait, that was half the horn, right? She looked at the horn's remainder in her hand and held it up for Professor Culloden to see. "This is half, isn't it?" It looked like half to her, though she had to admit she wasn't completely sure of its original size. DARN after all that she had messed up on the very first step. At least she hadn't grated the whole thing, though. That could be considered a tiny accomplishment. She figured she should put away the rest of the unicorn horn because the professor's eyes looked dangerously close to emitting sparks. She gave him a meek smile, "Sorry, sir."
Scribbling a checkmark next to the step she had completed, Norah added the next two steps to her notes. She looked around at the other students, inspecting their wand movements that accompanied their whispers of "Incendio!" It didn't look thaaaat hard, but she opted to mutter the incantation a few times, copying the wand motion with her finger, before trying the real spell. Like she said, she was NOT going to be that first year who blows everything up, nuh-uh. Pointing her wand at the burner, she cried "Incendio!" and a little spark sputtered at the end of her wand before sputtering out. Humph. Narrowing her eyes, she tried again. "Indendio!" This time, a cluster of bright flames shot into the burner, and with a prod of her wand they grew to resemble something that could pass as medium heat. Wooohoo! She held back from cheering out loud, though, because she didn't need Culloden back over here to yell at her so soon.
Counting down from 60 under her breath, Norah scanned the third line of instructions. Purified water? How could she purify water? Unwilling to risk another foreign spell, she rushed up to the front of the room to fill a beaker with water. 36..35...34... would the beaker just hurry up and fill already? She turned to walk back to her seat, slowly this time as to not spill any water onto her shoes. 10...9...8... she set the beaker down on the workspace and tried to blow on the flame, but it didn't go out. Huh. She tried again, this time letting a bit of spit in there two. The small flame spluttered out. Rude, but effective.
Now it was time for the Hippogriff feathers. One by one, she added them to the cauldron, grinning at the fizzing sound resulting from each addition. Coolness. Looking down at her notes, Norah noted the precision of the next step. Eeeep so much counting. She pointed her wand at the wooden stir stick and muttered "Scourgify" with a wave of her wand, beaming at her handiwork as it shone with cleanliness. It really was exciting when her spells actually worked. Counting to ten, she gave the potion a stir, and twenty seconds later she gave another in the other direction. She wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead and closed her eyes so she could concentrate on her counting. Thirty more seconds and a final stir later, Norah sat down in relief. 5 steps in and no major injuries sustained? Sounds good.
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