As soon as the minute was up, Hayden added the three glasses of pure water to her cauldron. So far so good. The next step didn't sound too bad either, just add ten Hippogriff feathers, one by one of course. But,Uh oh. They had to be
very careful not to mess up the next step. That didn't sound good. It sounded like a lot of pressure. Hayden took a deep breath before continuing so as not to let herself become too freaked out and let her performance slip. She knew magic needed to be done with a clear mind, and she probably wouldn't be so good at brewing the potion if she was distracted or under too much pressure. Okay, ready.
She counted out ten Hippogriff feathers from her collection of ingredients and added one to the cauldron. Then another, and another...until she had added all ten of them. It looked good to her, how could she have done that wrong? As soon as she had added the tenth feather Hayden started counting: one, two, three, four five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. She whispered the numbers aloud as she counted in her head. As soon as she got to ten she stirred the potion once counterclockwise. So far so good.
One, two, three...She counted to twenty this time, and stirred clockwise. She didn't like that the direction of stirring changed, it required more concentration that way. What was next? She counted to thirty and glanced at the board when she got to 25. That way she didn't have to multitask too much and get messed up on her counting. As soon as she got to thirty, Hayden stirred her potion once counterclockwise. There, that wasn't too bad. She could follow directions well enough.