Post 1 - Stone Carriers/Pit Builders not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Normally, she did not think she would have been able to carry anything very well, but considering she'd taken the strength potion she would probably be able to manage. She walked over to one boy (Grayson) who said something about group 1 - carrying stones and such. She didn't know why she picked that group, she just wanted to build the fire place more than she wanted to do any of the other things, which was not much. "I'll help you," she said. So far it didn't look like anyone else wanted to join them. She was ready to do what was needed of her, but she was going to wait until someone in her group, maybe that boy because he was the only one who had taken charge so far, told her what to do. She had to carry the stones, she knew that much, but where exactly? And Hayden had no idea how to build a fire pit. So yeah, she was going to wait for instructions.