When Professor Culloden stepped forward and gave his next set of instructions, Cris quickly wrote them down in his journal.
Putting down his quill, he took out a glass from his potions kit and first magically cleaned it with his wand. Ending the Scouring spell, Cris then placed his cauldron on the burner. Pointing his wand at the burner, Cris said, "
Incendio," and then ended the spell when the burner was lit. He adjusted the knob turning it down to medium, and waited for one minute to pass before he proceeded to fill his glass with purified water.
Think purified water, Cris. Purified.' Cris thought to himself as he cast the water spell.
Pointing his wand inside the glass, he said, "
Aguamenti." When the glass was full, he ended the spell and emptied the contents of the glass into the cauldron, before casting the water spell again two more times. Once he had emptied three glasses of purified water into the cauldron, Cris checked his notes to ensure that he had done everything correctly.
Then came the next steps which Cris quickly noted down in his journal.
Having remembered what Professor had told him between the difference of using a wooden and metal stirring spoon, Cris pulled out a metal stirring spoon from his Potions kit and cleaned it. Pointing his wand at the spoon, he said,"
Scourgify" and once the spoon was cleaned, he ended the spell. Ensuring that it was thoroughly cleaned, Cris turned back to his notes, verifying each important step he was to carry out next.
Hippogriff feathers coming right up.
Cris extracted 10 Hippogriff feathers from his potions kit and then slowly lowered them one by one into his cauldron.
Now for the stirring.
Picking up his stirring spoon, he first counted to 10.
....then he dipped the spoon into the cauldron and stirred his mixture once counter clockwise. Lifting up his spoon, he then counted to twenty.
1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15. .16...17..18..19..20
....then he stirred his mixture clockwise once before stopping.
Next he counted down another thirty seconds.
1..2..3...4..5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13 ...14...15...16...17...18...19...20..21..22..23... 24...25...26...27...28...29..30
...once he reached the count of 30, he stirred his mixture once counter clockwise with his spoon, before stopping and removing it.
Placing his spoon down on a piece of clean tissue, Cris picked up his quill and updated his notes.
Then he sat back and kept watch over his cauldron while waiting for the Professor to speak again.