♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# So far this lesson, it seemed that most people were on track with their potions. Besides Kevin, who the Professor seemed to hate. It wasn't as if she herself really had a problem with the boy, hardly interacting with him... But he sure hadn't made himself very popular. Oh well.
And the pressure was on now, as they were told that if they messed one of the steps up, they might as well start all over again. As much as she didn't like this potion, Lux didn't want to fail at it. She would have to try her best to be extra super careful, she decided as she wrote down what was on the blackboard into her notes:
Grabbing 10 hippogriff feathers from her potions kit, she added them one by one to the potion. That was the easy part. Now came the stirring and fingers crossed she would not mess this up. As she counted to 10, she picked up her stirrer and when the time had came, she stirred once counter-clockwise. Once that was done, she counted to 20 then stirred once clockwise. After counting to 30, she stirred counter-clockwise once more.
Finished, she crossed the steps off: |