urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Adding the hippogriff feathers sounded like a dead simple and easy task until his eyes landed on the ingredients list and he realised just how many hippogriff feathers he was required to add in.
Fine. Ten hippogriff feathers it was. Taking hold of all ten in his left hand, Grayson picked one apart and added it into his cauldron. "One." And then went in another. "Two." On and on the count went, his eyes narrowing the closer and closer his counting reached ten. Distractions. This was a Potions class and something inside of him wanted to be watching what the others were doing as well. Juuuust in case.
Once he had added in the ten hippogriff feathers one by one, the fourth year glanced over at the board. The next step was a complicated one and one that called for rolled up sleeves. Uh huh. Rollin them up, rollin them right up. Once his sleeves had been rolled up and out of harm's way, he picked up the wooden stirrer and gave it a quick "Scourgify!" before starting on his count to ten.
Eight...... nine..... TEN!
Grayson dipped the stirrer into his cauldron and stirred once counter clockwise. The count to twenty then begun and so did the feeling of boredom. This was long and tedious. Counting. HELLO?! When he did reach twenty, the boy gave his potion another counter clockwise stir. Then there was the count to thirty.
More boredom.
He was going to fall asleep at this rate.
If only there was something he could do in the meantime. But that meant that he'd lose count and screw up his potion, something he didn't want to do. The embarrassment! The HORROR. He'd much rather paint his toenails pink, thank you.
When he reached thirty in his count, Grayson gave his potion one more counter clockwise turn before flopping back. Done. He was DONE. And if any of that was wrong, he was going to kick himself.
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