<--- Random | Funfetti | Lima Bean | Slytherpuff | PURPLE | Hoarder of pens | ALWAYS Severus
O.O If she thought that AJ was going to know anymore about this lesson once it was over, then she was sadly mistaken. Really she just wanted to sit down, and she was willing to jot down notes for that, but nope. She was pretty sure that the professor needed a marshmallow peep because she was cranky and from experience food normally put the first year in a better mood.
Ummm... she didn't know the difference considering this was her first ever Transfiguration lesson and she had never been to Charms. Deciding that she would rather not hazard a guess with this professor she remained quiet.
Did she understand? Not at all. "Errr... what's a Cumulus professor?" She was going to need help in this class, she could feel it.