Thread: Potions 2
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Old 05-26-2014, 04:46 PM   #155 (permalink)
Casey O

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Suuuuuper interesting. A bit of History of Magic, actually, which made her frown a bit. Persecution of magic was not good. She shook her head slightly to get rid of the negative thoughts and began to grate her unicorn horn halfway, into a fine powder. Well, it was a bit uneven, but good enough, yeah?

She turned the heat on to the correct setting and waited for a minute to pass. While waiting, she copied down the ingredients and instructions from the board into her notebook. Fwooper voice chords? That was a weeeeeeeird ingredient. She scrunched up her nose in disgust. But then the minute was up.

Three glasses of purified water. She poured the first glass in with precision, making sure it didn't splash or anything. The second and third cups followed a bit faster as she rolled her sleeves up and prepared for the next step. Also, she watched Sophie. The professor seemed to be smiling a lot. ...suspicious.
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