♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Compootor "Tell you what, Lux." It had been an eternity since Andrew had last done anything like building a snowman, but he would be lying if he said the idea didn't appeal to him. "If you can remember to remind me, come wintertime, we can go and build a snowman." He promised. "I've never gone skiing. My family hasn't done anything like that. There's just too many of us." He chuckled, not at all feeling like he'd missed out. On the contrary, Andrew felt he'd had a very blessed childhood, even if his family was so large that there was rarely any opportunity for them to do something fun together. "Don't worry about it, it's just me being a geek." He reassured Lux, as Rose gently batted at her nose and ear. Her ear's shot up when she heard crying coming from the nearby hallway, but decided it would be better to stay on her comfy shoulder than to investigate. Eyes widening at the prospect of building a snowman with her friend, Lux had no other choice but to jump at the opportunity. "I will try my best to remember!" This was going to be so much fun, and she wanted to build at least one snowman; definitely one of them would have to be made with Bay. Oh, he had a large family? "How many siblings do you have? I have a brother and sister. Both are a lot older than me." It was something that she was generally cool with, but sometimes she wished that the age gap wasn't so big.
Awwww, he thought he was a geek? "That isn't true! You aren't a geek. You are smart and like to read. But you are also fun and very nice." Lux liked Andrew because he was a good friend. Noticing Rose's ears perking up, she wondered what the cat was hearing as she gave her some more love. |