urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana So Defense Against the Dark Arts had just been dismissed, and Sophie Newell was hurrying away from class. Well, she wasn't running down the corridor, no. She was just more than happy to be dismissed, since she didn't exactly have anything but a few pieces of homework waiting for her in the common room. Those weren't really due any day soon, so she might just kick back on her favorite couch in her favorite spot and just enjoy the easy life for a while.
Merlin only knew she needed that after that disgusting zombie they'd fought off in class. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, and she stopped in place. She should really talk to the professor about a certain five-lettered creature. Sophie had ambitions, and Romanos could make things happen for her! With a certain sparkle in her eye, Sophie turned on her heels.
Ew. What was that smell? What in the freaking name of Merlin was that SMELL?!
Grayson came to an immediate stop, all thoughts of the lesson being driven out of his mind. It had been a good lesson too, one that he thoroughly enjoyed because they had included all of his favourites: cool creatures/beings and sweet treats. He'd done the only smart thing anyone would do when offered free food and had stuffed as many as possible into his bag. They were all HIS, thank you.
He'd also thought that the only thing to ruin the lesson -- or even to ruin his day -- would be Romanos's mention of homework. But no! Oh NO! Somebody had to have a big old number two accident in the middle of the freaking corridor. Or had gone ahead and set off a dungbomb or two. Whoop-dee-do.
And then his eyes landed on a girl.
No no, his eyes zoned in on a girl, as if they were zoning in on a target. One who was turning away from the scene of the crime. HMMMMM? "Is that you?!" He didn't notice anything else, just the girl and the smell. Come on. Fess up.
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