two sides of the same coin
Desiree walked into the not-so-familiar room for the first time in ages- it would be a lie to say it felt like home. Calming blue walls, a professor who wrote smiley faces on the board? It wasn't bad, just- different. She had to resist double checking she was indeed in Potions. A lot can change when your family decides to pull you out to travel the world for your fourth year. Not that she's complaining. Although that does make it sound a bit more thrilling than it was- most of it was spent with family in New Zealand, and sheep. Familiar or not, it was nice to be back, to walk in and send a small smile and a nod towards the professor, whose name she should probably know. But it wasn't her fault she missed the start of the term.
She glanced briefly at the washbasin and thought why not? but grimaced when she saw the discolored fungus growing on the faucet. Desiree had a feeling that wasn't natural.. and could only guess that a fellow student, probably a fellow Slytherin was responsible. Not that it mattered, she could easily perform the spell, and even allowed herself a small smile at the prank. Was it immature? Sure, but who was it harming really.
Instead of plopping herself near the front as she may have in the past she took a seat further back, deciding it might be more comfortable as she got into the swing of things. She had to smile again as the seat automatically suited itself to her shape. The professor had good taste at least. She didn't recognize anyone: surprise, surprise. But noticed another Slytherin in the seat next to her. He didn't seem particularly approachable so she just went about getting everything out; potions was still her favorite class after all.