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Old 05-24-2014, 09:45 PM   #15 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

SPOILER!!: Blake
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Blake pulled on his collar, boy was it getting hot in here or, was that just him? Yeah he could tell that much. A lot definitely had happened. Maybe a bit too much. Or a lot too much. Yeah, this was waaay too much. And Blake was not okay with this. It was a mess. And it made him so uncomfortable. And claustrophobic. And tense. And it made him sweat. "Yeah... definitely not what I had been expecting," he said with a soft chuckle. Though he really did mean it. This was not a proper welcome. Actually, he expected banners and streamers and those noise maker things that are all the rage on muggle veletisions. Where was the band of coworkers hiding behind desks to yell surprise? Or was this a part of the surprise? Another part of their act, perhaps? HA. You can't fool Blake. He's got this all figured out. Very, veerrry clever guys. But awh they had gone through so much trouble to keep this hush-hush. Blake wouldn't want to spoil their fun. Good thing Blake is an excellent actor. He'd play along.

Wow, had the WHOLE ministry gone to ALL this effort just to welcome HIM back? They really did care! Awwh, Blake took a mental note to remember all the departments during christmas time. Ohoho, they even made such a believable back story. So much trouble, just for him! Entry points not functioning? HA. How likely. But very well thought out. Kudos to you, Mrs. New-Department-Head. Kudos to you. "Oooh, yeah that's awwwwfuuuul. Must've been reaaaally difficult to deal with." *Nods head in mock belief*

Chizpurfles? Did they buy millions of these nasty critters just to make things even more believable. Imagine the money spent on those things! WOW, they must really love Blake. A LOT. Not even the boys back on the old team liked him this much. He would've come back to work so much sooner, if he knew how much everyone had planned for him. "Chizpurfles. This is reaaaally a mess. Must've been soooo difficult these past few weeks," Hehe. He's got this act in the bag.

*AHEM* Now would be a really good time to come out guys. Guys? Where is everyone. Mrs. Department-Head-Woman, tell your staff to come out now. You're not actually supposed to make him clean. Where's the fun in that? The point is to surprise him, not tire him with all your dirty work. Blake looked around as he kept up his act and sprayed the place down. Where was everyone. Come to think of it, where would they even hide? Seeing as most things were broken up anyways, there wouldn't be any prime hiding spots. An invisibility robe maybe? Five invisibility robes maybe? Blake made sure to reach his arms and legs far out as he continued spraying, he almost looked like that Velma woman (from that Dooby Scoo show his nephew watched) when she was searching for her glasses. Oh, you know just casually feeling the place out for invisibility robes and the people under them.

Yet he wasn't having any luck. Hmph. "Oh," Blake looked back at her as she spoke up again. Was she a part of the distraction? Because she was doing a pretty darn good job at this. "Why of course I'm here for Quidditch!" He said sounding a little defensive. Magical Games and Sports, duh. Gobstones hardly even counts as a sport. There really isn't much PHYSICALITY or TALENT involved. "Gobstones definitely does not fall under my list of credentials. So I won't be much help in that division." But back to the real deal. Where is the party? Maybe it's in the hallway?
Mariel wasn't sure if it was her increasing irritation over the situation or what, but Blake's tone seemed awfully sarcastic and it was about on her last nerve. He did understand that she was his potential boss, did he not? And that his employment with her department depended on her acceptance of his reapplication. And right now, she wouldn't exactly consider him respectful. She wouldn't put up with disrespect from her current employees, she certainly wouldn't put up with it from someone new hoping to return to a job. So far he wasn't well on his way to being on her good side.

Maybe she should rethink her whole initial team player thought. Setting down her bottle rather purposefully on her desk, she slowly crossed her arms and fixed Blake with an assessing look, raising an eyebrow at his defensive tone. "And suppose I were to tell you I didn't have any openings in the Quidditch division?" she said shortly, still watching him with the same expression. The brunette wasn't about to bend over backwards for anyone who thought he could waltz in here and step into a job with as little respect as he was showing her from the minute he walked into the department. And it wasn't to say that she didn't have any openings, but she wasn't sure how eager was and her employees did have to be team players, fitting in and helping out where needed. In fact, she had former professional Quidditch players working in Gobstones. And they were hard workers. She wanted to hear his answer anyway, and it better not be flip.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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