Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Soooo. Scouting for a muse. It was a tired and meticulous practice but Vesper, who's attention span seemed to be getting shorter by the minute, was in need of something to focus on (or more than five minutes). She'd done the whole...'trying' thing in lessons, and it was going okay, she s'posed...but yeah. The Ravenclaw needed a muse.
Perhaps that's why she'd gravitated towards the Forbidden Forest. 'Cause it was forbidden. Surely something interesting would be happening there...
However, all that had caught her eye upon arriving to its outermost tree-line was a little boy. A little Ravenclaw boy...who looked kind familiar from the Common Room. Hmmmmmm.
What was he doing down here? Vesper's need to investigate kicked in and she was moving close to him, grin in place and notebook/quill in hand. She was getting freakishly good at having both on hand lately. "Hey, you." Beam. "See anything worth sketching in there..." |