Pfff, a new teacher? The black haired girl stared ahead of her and frowned. She had missed her first lesson because… well… Eh… She had a good explanation… Wait, she needed to think about a good explanation because… What if somebody was asking her why she had missed her first potion lesson since she was back? Eh… Oh! She had a excuse! She could tell that she had accidently made a mistake while practicing a potion and it had ruined ALL her school clothes, so she needed to stay indoors until she had a new pair of school clothes! Yes! That was a good story! A big grin appeared on her lips and still with that same grin she entered the potion classroom, curious who this new teacher was and if he, or she, was good enough to take the place from her previous potion teacher… But, the first thing she saw when she entered the classroom were… Blue? Euhg… All the walls were blue! This was NOT a good beginning of her first potion lesson from this year!
Next she saw message the teacher had left for them and she frowned again, not so sure what to think about it, then she saw the professor... She walked toward him, stopped and looked at him, curious. Not sure if he was friendly or not she offered him her hand, "Hello profess, I'm Sonea Duvessa, i have missed you first lesson, but... Nice to meet you." She smiled her most sweet smile and she walked away from him. Slowly she searched for a empty place to sit and she waited for something to happen...