Lil' gooz | Sarangel | Junior Dweeb
Norah had been skipping down the hall until she reached the doorway of the transfiguration classroom and noticed from afar the scowl on the professor's face. She sure didn't look like she would condone skipping. Norah stood up straight and walked stiffly into the room with her shoulders squared. When she passed the professor's desk she gave her a meek smile and said, "Good morning, Professor Bellaire. My n-n-name is Norah Kittredge." Darn! Even after all her propriety she had still stuttered. She gave the professor another smile, hoping she simply hadn't noticed her stumble, and turned to take a seat at the front row of desks. She wondered offhandedly if Professor Bellaire was always so stern. Maybe she just wasn't a morning person. Nobody else seemed to be sitting, so she stood stiffly next to the desk waiting for instructions.
Norah's eyes fell on the board and she read the outline quickly. An ice menagerie? Sounds cool! She found her excitement surge back to her, and gave a discreet bounce or two. No matter how intensely the professor seemed to be scowling, at least the lesson would be cool!
Last edited by Sararara; 05-24-2014 at 04:11 PM.
Reason: Grammar