not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Yay! Her first spell! Hayden had to wait a moment before she could actually practice so she could calm down. She figured she shouldn't try magic while she was so excited, it might mess with the results. That was an interesting question; would the caster's mood affect how the spell turned out? She filed it away in her mind as something she should find out later. At the moment, there were much better things to do.
Hayden jumped up from her mat and took out her wand. She practiced the movement a few times, right then left, right then left. When she thought she was ready she raised her wand toward the zombie on the ceiling. "Reducto!" She moved her arm in the motion she'd practiced, a sideways V shape. Nothing happened. Hayden frowned, but did not get discouraged. "Reducto," she said again. This time, she limited the movement to her wrist. And this time, a blue jet of light shot out of her wand. Hayden jumped up and down excitedly a few times.