There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Zombie Pinata? Cris was happy to hear that his sideways V description for the Reductor spell wand movement was correct. He hoped that when the time came to cast the spell, everyone wouldn't have a problem with the wand movement. Casting the spell was another thing to worry about.
So while Cris waited with the other students for Professor Romanos to start off the game, he closed his eyes and began meditating to clear his mind.
And a second later, he opened his eyes again. It had finally dawned on him what they were supposed to do in order to defeat the Cold Onea. Shoot flaming arrows into the Cold Ones first in order to bring down their shields and then use the Reductor spell to defeat them, or had he misunderstood the Professor?
Raising his hand, he asked,"Professor do we use the Reductor spell AFTER we shoot the flaming arrows to bring down their shield or before. And if it's the arrows first, do we use, the incantation Inflecto Telum to conjure up the arrows from our wand?"
Yes he had been copying everything Professor Romanos has said, but he wanted to make sure he had understood her correctly.
Not that they were supposed to do it for this game, but he just wanted to know just in case he came across one of those Cold guys.
Last edited by FireboltAvis88; 05-23-2014 at 05:53 AM.
Reason: Accidentally hit send before I was done typing