Thread: Boys' Bathroom
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Old 05-23-2014, 05:05 AM   #7 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Gryffindoll View Post
“I’m pretty sure it’s a rational fear,” said Louis, rolling his eyes as Jun poked fun at his concerns. Of COURSE he was worried. He’d never had any other hair colour besides his natural colour, and though he’d had hints of blond as a baby, he was 150% sure it wouldn’t look as cute now as it did then.

Still. He’d rather that than purple or pink. “…Blonde will do.”

He chuckled softly and playfully shoved the Ravenclaw that continued teasing him before, BOOM. Just like that, Jun was blonde. Damn bloody git, he wore the golden colour well, too.
…And then Jun was freaking out.

Blink. Blink.
… “OI! Wha—are you alright?!” Lou’s blue eyes widened. What was going on?! Was Jun dying?! Hair colour poisoning?! Was his mate about to become a castle ghost that went around dying students’ hair in vibrant, ugly colours?! ‘AK;LDJGKLF. What could he dooooo?! Wash it off, maybe?

Without a second thought, Lou pulled out his wand and pointed it at Jun. “Aguamenti!” A sharp jet of clear water hit the boy in the face.
"But it can always be changed back," he added with a nod. Poor sap. Jun wasn't nervous changing his hair color the first time he did it. He was more eager than that. He never really liked his black hair anyway. And years of convincing finally paid off when he was fourteen. Begging might have happened too. "Thought so," Of course Lou didn't take hair color risks like Jun. He had an image to withhold was prefect.

Oh. There was water coming towards him.



"BOLTON! STOP IT, BOLTON!" Jun went into panic mode. There was heavy breathing happening. The boy couldn't even move anymore. But he needed his wand. Desperately. With shaky hands, Jun scrambled around the ground. After what seemed like forever, only a few seconds actually, he found his wand and pointed it towards Lou. Yelling out 'Flipendo!', the jinx shot out of his wand and hit Lou in the chest. The prefect went flying, and so did his wand. Moving further away from his mate, Jun was still breathing heavily.

The acting was a bad idea. But who knew he was actually convincing in that.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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