yogaaaa Who Am I? Ern's 2460FUN "Yes. Yes, we are." Ascanius grinned from ear to ear. And considering West hadn't done anything but, y'know, sit down with the rest of them it seemed he was the same. Something Ascanius already knew. Whatever. He was a guy. He didn't care what names he was called. Testosterone was not something he was going to be ashamed of yeah?
And no matter what Vesper said would change that. 'Sides he didn't think much about her empty threat. She loved him right now. He knew 'cause he got nuzzles before, which was Vesper speak for you're annoying but I love your dumb face.
He shook his head at Beny's offer and kept his eyes on all of the bending and the contorting a mass group of girls were currently doing. Did they all not see this happening? He didn't want a distraction.
Ahem. Girlfriend was telling him to shut up. Done and done. But if he was going to do less talking she needed to do more of that yoga thing. For her health and whatnot.
The other girls seemed relatively more well behaved then his vocal girlfriend. Following Vesper's moves to the letter. Champions, that group, yeah? He appreciated a good, hard work out.
.....hello wind. He appreciated its presence....but they were wearing shorts today. Its services were not needed.
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