♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Compootor Oh no! He'd been discovered! Andrew let out a defeated sigh and nodded. "Alright, fine! It was fun! Let's do it again sometime!" He admitted, adding the suggestion to have another snowball fight just to accentuate the fact that he'd given up on trying to argue with her. "Everybody loves snowballs."
Rose purred happily up against Lux' cheek and placed a paw on her chin. It was so fun to climb people and touch their faces, especially if they were trying to have a conversation. After all, if they were paying attention to anything or anyone but her, something was wrong. "Mreow!" she celebrated her new friend. "Well, a Vellum is the surface you draw the rune on. It comes from Latin, and it means 'Calfskin'. Calfskin is the most effective surface to use with runes, but in a pinch, any old surface will do." Andrew began to explain, but paused, knowing he'd be off on another one of his tangents, and he didn't want to bore Lux. Giggle. Lux was happy that he had admitted she was right. "Okay, we can have another snowball fight in the winter. Have you ever made a snowman before?" That was another fun thing to do in the winter. So long as she bundled up nice and warm, she was never opposed to playing in the snow; it could be rather fun!
D'aaaw. Now the kitty was touching her face and chatting with her. "Good girl, Rose," she said as she kept petting her. While this was happening, she listened as Andrew explained what vellum was. "So it's like really old paper?" |