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The pogo stick thing was really cool, and Sophie had soon decided that he needed to bring it outside some time so she could try it, too. Once they hit the seventh floor, she led the way without thinking, still engrossed in all that was Toby and his pogo stick and his birthday and how cool his life was. "M'glad they got it for you, then. You deserve everything you've ever wanted today." She was being totally dramatic, but she MEANT IT. Hehe.
"Uh huh," she insisted, leading him just a little further to the base of a staircase. Giggling at him, then, she shook her head, "We don't have barrels, that's just you guys. Have you really never explored and spied on the entrances of other common rooms?" She totally had. All she had to do was follow the right member of a house her first term and act totally casual about it. "We have this knocker thing right up this staircase instead of a doorknob or whatever - it gives us a riddle, and we have to solve it to get inside. If we get it wrong, we have to wait for someone else to come along and solve it correctly. S'never the same or anything, always challenges us to have a ready mind and all that." She shrugged once, then started up the stairs, "You can come see, if you want, or y'can have a seat here and wait for me. I'll just be a minute or two."
Whether he wanted to follow or not, Sophie successfully answered the bronze eagle's riddle, raced up to her dormitory, and returned to Toby in about two minutes, a large box in her grasp wrapped in sky blue wrapping paper with a navy blue bow on top. "Got it," she said, sitting on the steps at the bottom of the staircase and offering it to him. "Happy birthday, Tobes." She was grinning big, reviewing the contents in her mind's eye, each object individually wrapped in its own wrapping paper inside the box. Just to tease him a little. Hehe.
SHE WAS SO EXCITED FOR HIM. Toby merely shook his head. He'd always loved to explore the castle, but never really went out of his way to try and find the other common rooms. For reasons. He was intrigued by what Sophie told him, though; of course Ravenclaws had to answer a riddle to get into their common room. It would explain why they all seemed to be on top of their logic game and stuff.
When Sophie made her way up the stairs, Toby paused, unable to decide whether or not to follow. In the end, curiosity won him over, and he figured it wasn't like he was going INSIDE or anything, right? He stayed a few steps down, watching as his best friend spoke to the knocker, answering a riddle that Toby might have taken a long while and at least three guesses to get right. She disappeared into the common room, and Toby went back to the bottom of the stairs.
Soon enough, Soph was back, and Toby turned at her, beaming as she handed over a box. This was exciting; Tobias didn't recall being this excited for a birthday present since he was a little kid. He opened the box and started rifling through.
A lot of the stuff he recognised, like the cracker, which he wanted to pull immediately. Some of his bought a mischievous glint to his eye, which was rarely seen by anyone other than Soph. Toby paused then as he happened upon a mirror... and a tiny vial. He stared at them both for a while before something clicked.
"Is that... are these really...?" the Hufflepuff said, staring from the box to Sophie's face again, looking almost stunned at the wonderful presents. Without waiting for an answer, Toby simply enveloped Soph into a great big hug, trying to show his gratitude with that simple action, which was basically impossible.
"I love it. All of it. Thanks so much, Soph."