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Andrew was in his heart of hearts aware that sixteen textbooks was more than any student would normally put themselves through. Andrew's love of reading extended far beyond what the average person would be willing to read before getting bored, but sixteen books in one sitting was a fair bit too much, even for him. "I'm sure there's plenty more to life than books. Why don't you tell me what YOU like to do outside of the library?" He smiled, knowing full well that not everybody shared his passion for reading. The last thing he wanted to do was bore Justine.
"Excuse me!" Andrew scoffed at Justine's feigned offense. "I think you'll find it was you who asked me to guess where we were going. I can't help it if I'm that good." he tried to feign annoyance, but could hardly hold down his laughter, especially when he received a poke in the ribs. Deciding to return fire, he stretched his arm out and poked Justine lightly in the side. Gasping as she delivered her final judgement, he threw his hands in the air in mock horror.
"No more macaroons?! No! Surely, you cannot bereave a man of his macaroons, Justine! This is cruel and unusual punishment!" He pleaded with her.
"Vhat I like to do?" Justine echoed, raising her eyebrow at the question. What did she like to do? Anything sports related really, and anything to do with being outdoors, Justine loved being out in the sun, it was where she felt most at home. "I like flying... I love it, actually I vas going to try for zee Quidditch team zhis year before zhey cancelled it, vhat else... Vhat else... I love Muggle sports, like baseball and soccer... " Justine said, her voice trailing off as she tried to think of anything else she liked to do. "I like chess too, and.. No, I can't zhink of anything else," Justine finished, shaking her head at her own forgetfulness. Absentmindedness was
not an approved Ravenclaw behavior.
At Andrew's annoyance, Justine could only roll her eyes. It was his fault, it was totally his fault. With his impossibly clever mind and his keen powers of observation he had ruined her fun. Justine squeaked femininely as Andrew poked her in the side, jumping in the air a bit at the unexpected touch. Well, that hadn't been a very cool reaction. "Vhat kind of man pokes a lady?" Justine said, trying to regain her cool.
"I am sorry Andrew, but it is my final judgement! Zough.... Perhaps zere is a vay for you to make up for your transgression... " Justine said, her smile turning into a wicked smirk as she rounded the corner, and out of the corridor.