Thread: Secret Passage
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Old 05-21-2014, 04:43 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Devin James Horton
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Deanna Joyce Horton
Second Year
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧

SPOILER!!: everyone


Oooh they were in a secret passage! Kate hadn't even been here that long, and she'd already found a secret passage! Apparently she didn't need Kyroh to tell her Hogwarts secrets, she could find them out on her own. Though she didn't quite know what good it was to have a secret tunnel though the dungeons… Oh. The Slytherin common room was in the dungeons? That made Kate glad she wasn't a Slytherin. Especially if the dungeons had flooded before. Floods made Kate very glad the Ravenclaw common room was in a tower, safe from flooding.

Oh. But the lady wanted to know why they were down here. Kate bit her lip. She didn't have a good reason, she was just wandering… That would probably seem suspicious, though…

Ooh! A map! Good answer, Hayden!

But that just meant Kate had to think of an equally convincing answer. Erm. Maybe she should just tell the truth. It would be much easier than making up a story. And if she made up a story and got called out on it, that would be waaaay more suspicious than the truth. Yup. Truth time. "I wasn't headed anywhere!" Kate volunteered. "I was just wandering… to, er, prevent getting lost in the future." Nothing like getting lost in the present to avoid being lost in the future.

She still wanted to know if she could have a brownie, though. Kate looked hopefully at the plate of food.

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post

"Hello Adelaide," Hayden said as the older girl said her name. She was talking to the headmistress more than anybody else but oh well, she probably wouldn't mind if Hayden greeted her. "I'm Hayden." She wasn't sure if it was safe to be giving out her name to these brownie poisoners but so far things were looking good. The headmistress had just taken a bite from a brownie and she wasn't dead yet. Hayden was going to wait a few more minutes though, just to be safe.

She was in a secret passageway? Well apparently it wasn't very good at being a secret if they'd all managed to find their way there. Wait, Slytherin common room? That was good to know...but also slightly frightening. She didn't want to end up surrounded by a bunch of Slytherins. "How did Slytherins get into the common room before the passage was revealed?" That's what she wanted to know. That's where the passage led so...was there some other entrance? Then why didn't they use that one?

Hayden didn't know how to answer the question. But she couldn't not answer because then the headmistress would think she was doing suspicious things which would not do. At least she wasn't poisoning students via brownies. Still, Hayden thought for a moment about how exactly to explain what she was doing so far from anywhere she was supposed to be. "Well, um, you see...I'm trying to construct a giant map of the entire school. So first I have to explore everywhere." Including dark, scary dungeons.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Text Cut: everyone!

Adelaide Adams! That's right. "Adelaide," Bunz repeated, nodding to herself and slowwwwly bringing up the arm with the brownie. What, she wasn't just going to stand here, surrounded by smelly noms, and NOT eat anything. Even IF she was being stared at by Miss Suspicious Puff over there.

Though, it did make sense for Hufflepuffs to be suspicious. Bunz would know. Hufflepuffs had to stay on their toes because of the tendency-to-die-first thing. Poor firstie. She was LOST.

"Youuu are in the secret passage through the dungeons," the redhead announced, biting into her brownie without further ado. Oh wow. Oh yummmmmmmmmmm. It was melt-in-your-mouth good. Yeaaah. Mmm. She couldn't answer the OTHER little girl yet either, because food.

Kate Pearce though, that was the Ravenclaw's name, and apparently Hayden was the suspicious one. Good. Bunz was getting to know her students here. She ought to get a great review from the Board this year, just for this. She swallowed a hunk of brownie and nodded at the girls. "This passage wasn't visible until the flood of '69. I'm not sure what it originally used to do, but what it does now is sorta take you to the Slytherin Common Room." Which would explain why there was a Slytherin down here. But...

"Where were you two headed?" The firsties? Not being....up........ to something, were they?
Originally Posted by GrapehGrape View Post

Adelaide smiled politely at the headmistress. Hopefully she could add another pleased person to her list.

She smiled sweetly as a younger girl (Hayden) stumbled down the passage, clearly lost. Addi giggled lightly as the headmistress tried to remember her name. Wasn't like she'd had much interaction with her. Even if there was quidditch. "It's Adelaide Adams, miss. And you can have one if you'd like too." She said smiling sweetly at the younger girl.

Oh look. Another little lost one (Kate). She smiled at her too.

Penelope was lost. Really lost. How the Ravenclaw had ended up in the dungeons, she didn't know. Where was she? How exactly did she get here? The dark winding tunnel kind of freaked out the claustrophobic first year Ravenclaw. Penelope heard voices in the tunnel. Turning around the corner, she could see other people. There were some first years, an older student, and... the headmistress? "Hi, I'm Penelope. I'm a first year Ravenclaw, and I really don't know how I got here. I think I'm lost. Where am I?"
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