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"I.....What?" Did she lick it?
Was he crazy? "Of course not. I don't go around and lick raw meat, you know." How unsanitary. "And I don't know whether its yummy or not but I think the plants think its yummy." To prove her point, Candice walked closer to the Chokeberry and tossed it over the plant. The Chokeberry snapped the offal in a second. WICKED! "See the plant think its yummy." Smug face.
"Well that's good because I think that would make you sick." All the blood and stuff. It made sense that she didn't lick it then, because that would have actually been gross.
"I don't think the plants think that it's yummy." Kyroh stated glancing at the plants.
"I just think that they think that it's the only way they can keep on living. So they eat it." Like if ALL you ever got to eat in life was macaroni and cheese you'd keep on eating it cause you had to. Not cause you thought it was yummy.
SPOILER!!: scary/smart prof
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If you couldn't trust a Ravenclaw to ask good questions, then you could certainly expect it from a Professor's son.. or ex-Professor's at that. "Uncooked meat has more nutrients, and typically wild flesh eaters don't have access to cooked meat, so their digestive systems wouldn't appreciate it."
And that...
Was she being accused of murder again?
"No," she replied, eyes on Kyroh. "Not yet, but I suppose there's still plenty of time left in the year." She was joking, of course.
Plant info. It all made sense to him, simply because Kyroh's digestive system could not handle uncooked meat.
Kyroh....didn't get the joke. He just stared. First the Groundskeeper ate kids. And now apparently there was a chance to be eaten by flesh eating plants in Herbology.
Hogwarts didn't seem that safe.
"I'm one of the kids who do listen." Kyroh stated. Just in case she was looking for those non-listeners you know?
SPOILER!!: dima and toby
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"Huh?" Dima blinked a couple of times, having to look way up to see Miss Dora's boyfriend hovering over him.
And then we was gone. And then he came back. And then he was trying to give him a rat.
"Uh... thanks, but no thanks." He eyed the dead creature in Marcus Orion's hand, pulling a face and averting his eyes. Poor lil' rat. Didn't they know it had a life too? "I don't wanna feed the plant. S'just like potions with the dragon heart, 'cept this is a WHOLE animal instead of just an organ."
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Toby had already selected one last steak from the trunk, and had cut it up into little pieces using 'diffindo'. He was now sat on the floor carefully levitating the pieces of meat towards the fanged geraniums, watching them with great interest as they devoured their meal. There was still a little more steak left to hand out when Bentley gave her next directions.
Figuring it was best to finish up here first, Toby used the hover charm to try and manoeuvre the little steak bites into the 'mouths' of the as yet so far unfed geraniums. It was sort of tricky, because all the plants wanted a bite, but eventually they were all fed over here and the steak was gone.
The fourth year got to his feet and brushed away the small amounts of dirt on his trousers that he'd managed to pick up from sitting on the floor. He eyed the other students for a moment before heading over to one of the shrubs.
"I got this one covered if anyone wants to fertilise or water it," he said to those nearest him who looked like they might be waiting for a chance to do so. Then Toby pointed his wand at the bush. "Immobulus."
It froze.
Looking at the uncooked meat again, he was about to throw it when Bentley started up. They were done feeding? Already? Glancing around the first year tossed his meat out to the closest bush only to have it snatched and gobbled up.
Dragons dung time?
"DIMA!!!" The freckled boy yelled loudly.
"You can sprinkle the dragon dung!" Cause dung didn't come from hurting any animals at all, and he had noticed the boys problem with the meat. Yup. Making his way over to the container Kyroh scooped out some dragon dung and he found his way over to Toby and the now immobilized plant.
"Hi Protector!" Sloooowly he began to shake the scoop, letting the dung fall evenly.