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Old 05-20-2014, 06:57 AM   #207 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Text Cut: I loved it OKAY. ;____; <3333
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Ooohhh and look at all those hands! This was exciting... and on top of that, she was curious to see how they fared in general as well as in relation to these fine beauties before them.

If she didn't know better she'd have assumed he was as fearful of the plants as the other young Slytherin boy... but no, Cutty seemed all too confident with his words to be scared. She was convinced of this.

"By all means, feed until they're satiated and they won't be as likely to want to snack on you - depending on its size and temperament." Some were easier to befriend than others, so it was by no means a blanket policy. "But it's best not to give them indigestion."

"Flesh eaters in captivity are more likely to be conscious of routine, so regular but moderated feeding is advised."

And speaking of...

It was about time to get things moving. Moving along quite nicely.

"The Weigela and Chokeberry are both rather low maintenance, so long as they have access to food. Their predatory instincts are all that is required for them to manage in a garden quite comfortable, but when grown in greenhouses we need to be a bit more accommodating with the food." Because it wasn't as if birds and garden gnomes would get in here very often. Nope.

With a quick gaze around the space and the area they were in, Seren was able to do a head count and some quick mathematics told her all she needed to know.

"Fortunately for us, we've come in time for feeding!" she announced brightly, though waiting to see the reactions of the others... or actually, best not, "but before you start worrying, the more dangerous plants in this greenhouse have already been fed and their meat has been laced with a sedation draught so they won't post a threat to either of you." No... there was just the lesser man-eating ones that might try to take a nibble. But they could handle that, they had gloves on.

"First things first, meat!" she announced, taking a few strides to one of the raised flower beds and pulling out what looked to be an ordinary trunk. A few brisk wand movements later, and the opening of the lid revealed dead rats, steak cuttings and offal. The smell wasn't particularly nice, but it could be overlooked. "Come and take a bit, and offer it up to any of the shrubs and plants in this section only," she noted, indicating the immediate area they were in. "Levitate the meat to it, or throw it, unless you're comfortable risking your hand..." which she didn't advise, because she rather liked her job and would hate for it to be taken from her. "The fanged geraniums, savage sword lilies, pygmy piranha plants, throat latching carnations and barbaric banksia also need a good feed... though you'll need to serve them smaller portions."

Taking a couple of chunks of offal for herself and stepping away from the trunk of meat bits, Seren indicated they could have at it too. "There's no need to be afraid if you don't get too close, and even then, the bushes are what will hurt, the others will only puncture you at best."

OOC: The lesson will continue in 28-39 hours depending on people posting. Have fun with this, tis an experience. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

At first the sight of it, Cutty couldn't make out what it was. It appeared thick and rubbery, like a partially digested heart or perhaps, some bit of a rather unlucky cephlapod. Following in the example of his teacher, he moved his wand and accio'd a chunk of whatever it was over and caught it with his hand. The scent of it hit him and he smiled broadly. That was disgusting. He squeezed the offal in his palm letting it produce a wet sort of sound before plopping it down in front of him.

The savage sword lillies looked like they could use a good meal and so using the spell that Tempus had taught him, Cutty flippnsnipwitited small chunks of the offal apart from the larger whole. "Flippnsnipwitit.", he casted, then held up the small chunk with a gloved hand to examine it against the maw of the dangerous little flower. But not too closely. Although, Bentley had said it would only be a puncture wound at worse he would err on the side of caution that morning if he erred at all. With his wand in his hand, Cutty levitated the small chunklet of meat toward the plant...slooowly and watched as it reacted to the dead meat as if it were live prey and promptly devoured it whole.

It was hard to keep a fascinated smile from his face.
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