That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
So they were to feed the plants. Brilliant! Watching as professor Bentley did, Beverly withdrew her wand, and underhandedly went over the Levitating Charm. Simple enough, yeah? Levitate some very icky-looking food toward one of the plants -- or toss it -- and that was that, right? She could do a distance. Beverly very much appreciated her limbs intact.
Walking over and daintily picking up a chunk of meat, she wrinkled her nose. Where did Bentley get all of this? Did she...sort it all out herself? Making her way toward the pygmy piranha, Beverly tossed it the piece of meat. The plant snapped, but missed. Oh, come on! Why'd it do that for? Didn't it know how to play catch? Beverly was going to teach it, then.
"Wingardium Leviosa," she cast. The red meat wandered on over back to her, and she grasped it from the air. "At your twelve o'clock." Did plants know that? Directions by time? SNAP!
Okay...maybe it didn't, maybe it did, but it just snapped at the meat in midair.
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