Sup *casually crashes in* • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
Javy had been finishing up cleaning the barnyard area, since it was more furnished the usual dust and dirt liked to invade so that was all taken care of. Deciding to go for a walk around he noticed a figure.. no, two figures by the Play Pen area. He smiled, seeing Piers as the main one.. oh, and Cosgrach too he guessed. He was so glad that they were able to talk things out about where they stood with their feelings now.
Walking up he could hear Piers' smooth voice. Come here often? Which made him freeze momentarily, his comment on the silliness of the apron Cossy was wearing dead from his lips. Instead asking, "Having fun?" Nah, Javy didn't get jealous just.. suspicious. Really. Heh.