♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Ringo Now that was an idea! "I like the sound of that, actually. We should at least have something." he said with a nod. He always had found that Muggle sport baseball to be sort of interesting, it was a bit like Quidditch, in a way. They used bats and balls and such in it, didn't they? Just no brooms or flying or hoops. But hey. It seemed fun. "Sure, I don't think they'll be going anywhere," he said with a laugh. He knew for a fact Ginger would stay there all night if he let her. "Maybe sometime they can have a sleepover! Like Ginger goes to your dorm with Arya for a night and vise versa?" he suggested with a smile at the thought. "Yes! It would be awesome if we had something even if it was more of a game than a sport." True there was Gobstones, but she honestly was not all that familiar with the game. Maybe she should try it out some time.
Oooh, a sleep over! That was a great idea. Dylan was full of great ideas. "I would have sleep overs with Bay's Pygmy Puff, Ziggy last term. It was awesome." And now she had her own Pygmy Puff, but she still got to see a lot of Ziggy anyway. And having kitten sleep overs would be awesome too. |