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Old 05-20-2014, 04:36 AM   #513 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Default Post 6
C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
"Whatever happened to ducking when someone yells at you to watch out?" Just like that, it became a little game of sorts to Beverly. Who could come up with the most 'Whatever happened to.' Besides, it hadn't been as if she purposely wanted her spell to hit him. She DID warn him. If she HAD, it had been a much better spell than the Stunning one.

She definitely would never understand boys, though. Mordaunt was smiling. Okay. Whatever, she'd check out a book about boy's behavior on her free time. Gnome tossing was happening right now and, oh, look! Cutty had already knocked some of them out for her. Picking one of them up by it's ankles, she began to spin.
It was such a very good thing that Cutty was all potioned up this year and taking Healer prescribed doses of an impulse control potion, because it was enabling him to control himself. Stop himself from Accio'ing the gnome from Beverly and getting all territorial about them. Nor! Nor, Beverly Wayne! Those are MY gnomes! I KO'ed 'em.

Cutty watched as she assumed his gnomes. Just took them. Plucked them up from the ground as if they were ugly, ugly berries and tossed them into oblivion. That was telling somehow. Bev was that kind of girl. Boys did things for her, didn't they? And she didn't think he would? Else why would she have made him swear an oath to do her one? Interesting.

He calmed himself and still keeping an eye on her held out his foot to cease the momentum of yet another attacker which bit ferociously at the bottom of his shoe. "Well, whatever happened to taking aim?" He fired his wand at another nearby gnome. "Stupefy!". Which was followed by a, "Rictusempra!" fired at the one working on his shoe soles.

Would Wayne take over that one as well?
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