♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Ringo "Yeah, I was thinking that too." he said. But it was a thought. Laughing, he nodded. "I agree." he told her with a small sigh. Maybe they would be told soon what this was all about. They really all did have a right to know, and this whole thing made Dylan really mad. And he was positive he wasn't the only one mad of course.
The third year nodded, chuckling. She was right. They really didn't have a care in the world. They were just two little kittens, all snuggled up and sleeping together. He inched a bit closer to them, quietly, so he wouldn't disturb them. He stroked Ginger's head and smiled. "I'm glad too." he told Lux. Poor Ginger probably wouldn't end up liking having to go back to the dorm later, she seemed to be pretty attached to Arya! Siiiiiiigh.
Whatever the motivation for this threat was, Lux missed Quidditch. "I'm hoping that we play another sport instead." What that would be, she had no idea. But there had to be something even if it was Quadpot. Muggle sports would be cool as well, but that was doubtful.
Moving in closer as well, she watched as Dylan petted his kitten. "I think we should leave them here for as long as possible so that they don't get disturbed." They seemed to really be comfortable in each others company, plus it was adorable to watch.
Last edited by WhittyBitty; 05-20-2014 at 02:42 AM.