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Old 05-20-2014, 02:35 AM   #504 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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C.R.E.A.M | Haitian Sensation | Shark Patronus | Your Huckleberry | T's ClayBaby

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
This time she was ready. When an ugly potato-face approached her, Beverly raised her foot, making sure it had enough momentum to stop the gnome. She'd spotted it from the corner of her eyes. The silly thing thought it'd get away sneaking about. TOO BAD. Her brother was an Auror, she was bound to learn something from him. This gnome probably sensed what was going around and tried dodging her foot, while it ran in place. No way!

Several things happened at once. Beverly aimed her wand at her captive and cast, "Stupefy!" but she did not notice another gnome running between her legs, distracting her aim just as a jet of light flew out of the tip of her wand. Watching her line of fire, she froze.

"Cutty, watch out!"
Focusing on the barrage of defensive taters headed in his direction, Cutty stuck out his foot and sent out another "Stupefy!" toward the on-comming gnomes. He got about as far as lifting his wand toward another gnome, when when of the little punks got past and managed to sink it's eager teeth into his pant leg. "Petrificus ToHHHH...!" The sting of the bite was not what caused him to pause, however. It merely brought him forward enough for the spell casted by Wayne's wand to hit him.

He looked a tiny bit surprised before going out, collapsing to the ground and causing much triumphant gibberings and sounds from his gnome attackers. They figured they must've gotten him and were starting to hail the one who'd bit Cutty's leg as their big Kahuna.
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