Lili!! Bre Bear | Asherine | Whisper | Kemmy | Raeney | Madyra | Bumble Bee This little Lion couldn't remember where she had to meet Lux and Cinnamon. Emmy was pretty sure that she gave the idea of where to meet to her two best friends but she had so much on her mind and being new here really didn't help the third year remember where she had to go. Emmylou was pretty sure that she knew how to get where she was suppose to be going. The blonde really had to get Kace to draw her a map or maybe she could just use his brain as a map and bring him everywhere she had to go but maybe he wouldn't like that because then they had to go to different houses at the end of the day. Emmylou looked around at her surroundings. She played around with the sleeves of her cream colored sweater. What was she going to do? she took her tan colored backpack off of her shoulders, opening it up and looking around for a notebook or a piece of paper to see if she may have written the location down. She had homework, classes, boyfriend time and meeting professors on her mind. Today was the day where she wished that she was an eleven year old first year so she wouldn't get weird looks when she asked them for directions.
__________________ maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive  maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise |