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Lauralicious The Slytherin just shook her and and took a other sip of her butterbeer. Louis thought so very highly of her, she'd never know how that happened. „One of the nicest people you have ever met?“, she chuckled,“ I am not sure if i should pity you...“ It really depended on the person the girl was with.She could be reallllly nice but she could also be reaaalllllyyyy beasty. But her little lion friend had never given her a reason to be beasty and he probably would never do that. So he was save. Hehe. AND she got to call him little cherub, what was not to love?!
Wait what? What was that? Vinnie chuckled as Louis seemed to enjoy her hair petting. Hopefully his girlfriend knew about this preference of his. Smiiiirrk. „Feeling better hm?“, she smiled as she kept running her fingers through his hair. Cute, Louis was being cute. Again.
„Cheeeerrrss!!“, the brunette toasted and grinned happily. The hardcore cherubs were born. Maybe they should throw a party to celebrate their birth and invite all of Hogwarts. Well all party appropriate people. The dark kneazles could play, it would be legendary. Hopefully Vinnie remembered all of this in the morning, cause right now she was feeling to tipsy to make proper plans that made sense. One thing was for sure though, Vinnie was very hardcore cherub and Louis was little hardcore cherub. Hehe.
„Everyone likes food, don’t they?”
Louis totally got fooled there, not everyone liked food. At least not like that. „ Ohhhh dont say that“, the Slytherin laughed,“there is a lot of girls you cant get with food.“ All of them looking after their weight. Snort. Vinnie couldnt be bothered with that. If she wanted a burger she wanted a burger, or maybe a lasgana. Grin.
Her eyes got really big as she saw the marshmallow Louis was holding up. It looked delicious. She grinned at her friend and opened up her mouth immediately, waiting for the soft little thing to be popped into her mouth. Yum. Louis was such a good boy.
Louis laughed when Vinnie couldn’t decide if she should pity him. “Don’t. Everyone’s been pretty nice around here, actually,” he said with a shrug. He had been a little more worried last term, when he had just transferred, but to his surprise the students had been quite welcoming and helpful. Now he had a lovely little group of friends he could always count on. When the girl then asked if he was feeling better, Lou nodded his head, smiling and letting his eyes close for another moment. Merlin that was amazing. If she could just like, never stop, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
But then they were toasting and the petting had to take a break. Louis gladly took this opportunity to gulp down the majority of his butterbeer. It wouldn’t be long until he was on his fourth already. If Jun saw him maybe he’d be proud.
“Really?” Louis raised his eyebrows, genuinely surprised by this piece of information. Despite the fact that he spent more time with girls and women - due mostly to his family being all women and most of his friends girls - than with the lads, Lou had never really thought about their eating habits. It was just something he hadn’t paid a lot of attention to. But he knew his girlfriend certainly loved when he cooked for her and when they ordered pizza, so he kind of assumed all girls liked the same thing? Guess you really do learn something new everyday.
Louis tried not to laugh at the look of eager excitement on Vinnie’s little face as she awaited the marshmallow. “Here it comes!” he teased her like a child before popping the tiny treat into her mouth. He grabbed a couple more from the bag and sent them off to the fire to roast.