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Watching as his friend, yes friend ZANDER HAS A FRIEND *REJOICE*, confunded gnome for real this time Zander couldn't help, but chuckle and applaud. "Nice one, Bay!" Then drawing his attention back to his own gnome, the third year realized that he'd better move quick before the spell wore off. "Here I go, wish me luck!" And before he could say anything more, the boy began to spin the gnome as fast as he could.
And this time he stopped as soon as he felt the slightest bit dizzy. YAY! So far so good. Now for the hard part, the throw. Zander never really did have good aim. "AHHH!" And with a sudden whip of his arm Zander let the gnome go flying into the air and it finally landed in the pen! "I DID IT!" One down one more to go?"
"Couldn't have done it without you, mate. Thanks for the help!" Seeee this is what real house-mates were supposed to be like. Not like that Zahra and her arm-biting. That was not cool. But Bay, he was plenty cool. Yes. Zander liked Bay.
"thanks man" he smiled, he had done more then enough to help get rid of these gnomes so he was going to stand around and help Zander if he needed it.
"good luck" he watched him do it again and he got another one
"see easy peasy now all you have to do is throw him far away" he laughed.
"no problem man, thats what friends are for.. I'm done but if you want me to stick around i can" it all depended if Zander needed Bay.