There's some good in this world and it's worth fighting for| LOTR|Whovian|Sherlock Fan
Cris closely examined both bushes taking great care not to get close to either one of them. Both plants looked harmless enough but Cris suspected that in this case, looks we're deceiving. He had seen neither plants before up close and personal but if he was right one of them was the same one he had seen pictures of in book about flesh eating plants and shrubs.
Cris waited for the others to give their answers and when there was a break in answering sharing, Cris raised his hand and hazarded a guess.
"Professor, I believe Marcus is right. The plant over there is the Weigela. It tends to grow up to five meters, so this one's current height is almost right on par. What clearly defines it are its red colored berries which appear during Fall, and the serrated leaves which I believe are used to slice off the meat from its victims," Cris involuntarily shuddered at that thought.