Eagle Eye [⅓ Badger Trio] Felon & Kafka ♥ Gilderoy Lockhart <3 [TEAM 947!] Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was just wandering the castle like he usually does once or twice a term. It was something to do and remember where things were. It still counted as exercise and was better than lounging in the common room for the thousandth time. And it was really hard to remember where things are when you don't care.
Ah, The Portraits.
They can talk your ear off. But what better place to think about stuff you don't really want to. The common room always had something distracting....fun going on. Sounded like a good idea to Nigel right about now. So he sat down on the floor listened to the Portraits talk and looking in a mirror he brought to check for grey hair.
He was just a little bit paranoid about last term. Most of the portraits needed to just shut up. Honestly. Most of what they say is useless gossip, only a decent amount is true but still useless, and none of it interested her anyway.
Not only was the nonsensical chatter slightly annoying, but LOOK who was simply resting in the middle of it all. Is this the place where Nigel gets all the 'supposedly awesome' jokes and puns Airey falls for? Anyone could do better, really.
And with a mirror.
Merlin, no way. Between all the Dead Kneazles, this would only be acceptable coming from Ascanius.
Lotus rolled her eyes and thought about going the other way, but..., "Nice to see that badge is put to good use." CLEARLY, his Prefect duties involved lounging with the portraits at Hogwarts while looking at himself in a mirror. Makes perfect sense if Theodore Kinsley is Head Boy.
And Vinteren had made her promise to respect authority? LOL, what authority? |