Originally Posted by
Awarlesta Black Oh, that's good. Made his life just a teensy bit easier. "I'd offer to show you around someday, but I don't believe we'll be heading back that way anytime soon." To be honest, he liked California and all that sunny jazz, but he liked his home country's air and environment better. Healthy, green grass and brilliant castles for miles.
OOH, now they were talking about his favorite topic, GIRLS! "I've met a handful of pretty girls, but I'm more than positive they all have a significant other. No luck there." Boo, but he's not looking for a relationship, really. He's recently had one of those. Rare event for a reason. "Hogwarts is great. Way more fun than Winchester. We're pretty under lock over there."
"Awww man well keep me updated and I will come with you next time." he told his new hufflepuff friend. He knew he hit a good topic, the lovely girls topic. He saw his smirk and it made him smirk back.
"Aww dude have you asked them if they had boyfriends?" he asked him.
"And what makes you think your so sure?" he asked yet another question. The dude shouldn't doubt himself.
"Why were you under lock in Winchester??" he asked with his head turned a little bit..