Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by amadshade Tora started with surprise and nearly fell out the opening she was sitting on. Once she had regained her balance, she flipped around to see her addresser. "Oh, hello Professor," she said, much more cheerily than she would have last year had she been interrupted. "Yeah, I got it for my birthday a couple years ago from my Gram." she said, practically glowing as she tried not to boast. The Astreglobe really was a treasure. The thing glinted in the sunlight, it's bronze and steel covering was well worn, but also well cared for. She wouldn't go anywhere, really, without it and it was handily small enough for her to do so. She thought about deactivating it and slipping it away into her pocket, but perhaps Professor Botros would care to see? She compromised for setting it on the ledge next to her; with her hand safely on it of course! Oh oops! The poor kid almost fell. Ab extended his arm for her in case she needed help to balance herself in the opening, but she recovered quickly on her own. Whew. It would've been a grand mistake if he hurt a student so early this year too. He smiled at her and took her greeting as an invitation to rest his old legs next to her, and so he took a seat in the opening too.
"This is interesting. How does it work?" He asked, interested in what was in for Ravenclaws this year. "Can you show me?" |