Lose a limb?! Errr...
Sophie held her arms close to her side and walked with small steps as she followed the professor. She'd like to keep her arms and legs on her body, thank you very much. She'd take careful note to keep one eye on the plants and the other on the position of her body. Losing a limb was NOT on her 'To-do List' today. Nope.
She eyed the plants that seemed to turn toward them and spring to life, complete with their fangs snapping. EEP.
She stopped when the professor did and eyed the plants before them. She took note at their height, as well as the fact that their leaves were reddened and they grew berries. Different colored berries, yes, but berries nonetheless. Just...what were they? She started roaming through her brain at some plants she'd read about or encountered in the past.
Raising her hand, she said,
"What about Euonymus? I think they also call them Celastraceae or Burning Bush. I came to that conclusion, because those bushes have red leaves, bare branches, and grow berries."