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Old 05-17-2014, 04:52 PM   #228 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Becky View Post
"No?" he gazed at her and looked down at the squirming gnome. "Can you help me here?" he asked, helping her up. His wand hand was kind of full. "It was a noise of disbelief and shock." Yep. Of course. "Well, you did it well." he answered, managing to keep a straight face somehow.
"I didn't think so." she said shaking her head amused. "Well of course I did after all....err catch the blasted thing." She took the gnome into her hands by the ankles. She was going to make that thing fly. Yes she was! "Right...." she said eyeing him even more now. "Well I'll do better on the next try." Like uhhh stand her ground.


She held the gnome by the ankles and backed up a bit before starting to spin in circles.