I'm dreaming with my eyes wide open Name
Andrew Turner LaCroix. Year
Sixth. Special skills/hobbies/interests
Of all my interests and hobbies, the one thing that brings me the most joy is reading. I love to lose myself in the pages and forget about the world around me. I remember everything I read, and I suppose that could count as a special skill. I'm a bit shy, but also very ambitious, and if I set my mind to something, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll reach my goal. Learning and experimenting with magic is something I absolutely adore, and if I have someone to share the wonder and excitement with, that's even better. I'm also particularly fond of the Saxophone. Strongest Subject
Defense against the Dark Arts, Charms. Weakest Subject
Divination Likes
Books, classy clothing, snow, raspberries, spellwork, experimental magic, saxophone music, and macaroons. Dislikes
Ungratefulness, cynicism, pessimism, people who are rude or mean, loud noises, humid weather, and heights. Anything else you wish to add
I'm a very open, approachable person, even if I'm a little shy. I wish I could be friends with everyone, but one person assigned to me is a good place to start.
Last edited by DragonBear; 05-17-2014 at 07:26 PM.