It was time to get brewing! Adi arrived at the Potions lab with the ingredients he had secured from the Professor. Of course he would get the others right in the lab. Eager to get started, Adi wasted no time in signing in:
Name: Aditya Rehman
Date: October 15th, 2083
Time: 8 AM.
Yep. He was here that early. Blame his excitement. Adi decided to take a workstation right at the front of the lab. Retrieving his potions textbook from his bag, he flipped it open to the page labelled Babbling Beverage.
The third year gathered the necessary ingredients and set them up next to the two he had gotten from Professor Culloden. He still couldn't believe the man had let him do this. Poor Benny had no idea about his best friend's intentions.
Anyway...Adi pointed his wand at the cauldron.
"Scourgify!'' With that now cleaned, he measure out 500 ml of water and added it in before lighting the burner.
In went the 5g of Alihosty leaves. Now to leave that in the now simmering for 20 minutes!