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Penelope...was gonna try to study. No, not just try, ACTUALLY study. Hopefully. Probably. If she didn't get distracted. NEWTs were already a pain, but she knew she needed to prepare for them, and not just during the last few months of the term. Her future - or, at least, the part of her future about getting a job that she wanted - depended on her getting good enough grades for it.
So here she was, carrying a textbook and climbing up to the treehouse, hoping it was empty so she could study. And...it was not.
The treehouse WAS big enough that she could probably just sit over there somewhere to study on her own and it'd be fine but...
...yeah, she didn't really want to study. And ignoring people would be rude and stuff, right? So it was totally a good excuse to forget about studying right now. Yup.
"Nice view, yeah?" she commented, tucking the textbook under her arm.
At the sound of someone's voice, Lambrini looked around, peering upward with big brown eyes to see where the voice had come from. It belonged to a girl who was seemingly speaking to
her. Lamb was pleasantly surprised, given that not many people had talked to her so far. And it was understandable. She kept to herself and to her best friend Jakoby, but he wasn't here right now, so she was all alone... which she assumed made her more approachable. Cool.
She smiled at the girl.
"It's very nice, yes. A lot different from the view I'm used to back home." When she looked outside her bedroom windows, all she saw was an endless collection of buildings. One of the perks of living in the city. But being a girl that loved nature, she had to say she preferred this view.