Originally Posted by
Awarlesta Black Oh, wow. That's cool. "A legacy, huh? That's pretty impressive, but Kace, I think you live up to YOUR own legacy." LOL. Wise Declan is wise. He should take it from him. He tried to be like Shane for most of his childhood.
He's got a point there, "Especially now that I'm not there to keep her safe." Maybe he should just be there for her, but not live her life for her...UGH. MORALS.
He chucked, taking a drink of his coffee, "Haha, funny. Nah, none of that for me."
He took another gulp before answering, "Actually, no. My father had a friend from Hogwarts working at Winchester and recommended him for the job and the rest is history. " Not so exciting, is it?
Hmmm the kid was wise. He took his advice to heart.
"That is true mate, spoken like a true motivational speaker." he winked. He nodded and commented,
"Well i am sure you taught her good morals to live by. She will be fine." he assured his new puff friend. He took another gulp of his coffee. It tasted pretty good. Kace gave him a quizzical look,
"Where is Winchester?" he asked.