For Brigette and Penelope (:
Being inside the stuffy castle all morning had gotten to a certain new girl. Lambrini wanted -- no, NEEDED -- to be surrounded by nature. She wanted to inhale the fresh, cool air and feel it brush her skin as it blew softly. So she decided to take a little trip outside, wandering up to the treehouse and climbing into it.
The moment she was inside, she let out a gasp at how big it was. Magic was a neat thing. But as cool as the interior of the treehouse looked, Lamb was still desperate for fresh air. She walked out to the deck and sat down, dangling her feet over the edge. This. This was nice. The wind blew softly, causing her long, dark hair to flutter behind her back. She inhaled, letting the cool air fill her lungs before she pushed it out. A sudden calm washed over her. School-related stress couldn't reach her here.