Mackenzie Elyzabeth Jones Personal
Birth Date: 14 April, 2068
Age: 15
Born: Redbridge
Blood: Pure Blood
Currently living: London
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 5'5"
Year: fourth
Favorite Subject: Transfiguration
Least Favorite Subject: Ancient Runes
Teams: Quidditch (Second Year; Beater) Family
Both Mack's mother and father were killed during her second year at Hogwarts,
they were journalists and were found dead in Paris, France one November morning.
Since her parents death Mack has been staying with her father's parents
whom she stayed with during most of her childhood while her parents were traveling for work.
She is an only child as was her father.
She doesn't know much about her mother's family,
other than a sister that lives in London with her four children,
all boys.
Mackenzie isn't one who typically likes to talk about her family.
She is still angry over the murder.
Also she is embarrassed that when it happened
instead of telling her friends she kept it from them.
Model: Lindsay Bushman