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Phew, Leah was glad that the girl did not freak out and start yelling and wailing and stuff. She had a knack for creeping up on people's back and scare them, even the old guys. And even more, Leah earned a smile! "Ooh a firstie~ A late welcome to Hogwarts and Hufflepuff, Hayden!" She tried to make sure that her welcomes were delivered to all the new Badgers, but obviously had missed out this young lady.
"Close? You're only steps away from our destination!" Leah said, her eyes wide. "Well, okay, not steps, but I believe we are..." she looked around, though there was not much to see except the portraits, "on the first floor. The common room is somewhere below us." Considering that the second year had landed up in the library on her way back to her dormitory after a full week of school, Hayden was really good. "Would you like to get out of here now, or would you like to talk some more to the portraits?"
"Thanks," Hayden said cheerfully to the welcome. She liked feeling welcomed and involved with other people. She was hopeful that the whole house thing at Hogwarts would be good because she would belong with a group of people. Hufflepuff was especially good house, she thought. Their main trait was loyalty. On that subject, Hayden decided she should run an experiment on whether or not people had the traits connected with their houses. Was there an actual algorithm involved in the sorting of people? Also, did the people fit into the houses or were people shaped according to which housethey were in? Oh wait she was getting distracted. Hayden turned her attention back on Leah.
"Oh yay" It was good to know that she wasn't completely off. Still...two floors away. Oh the school was so big, how was she supposed to keep herself from getting lost? She supposed she'd just get used to where everything was as she got older. From where she was now, it seemed impossible. Hayden pondered Leah's question. She glanced up at the portraits.
"The don't seem like you want to talk anyway, so we can go now."
Suddenly Hayden had an idea. To keep herself from getting lost, she could make a map of all of Hogwarts. But Hogwarts was so big, how could she manage to fit it all on one map? And would she really be able to draw well enough to make it?
"Hey," she said to Leah.
"Do you know where I could find some paper this big." When she said 'this' she stretched her arms out as wide as she could go to demonstrate how big she wanted the paper to be. But then she realized it would be easier to make a seperate map of each floor, and therefore each paper should be smaller...but still bigger than normal paper. So she retracted each arm about half of the way toward her body. But then she stretched them out again because she wasn't sure how big the paper should be. Hayden dropped her arms back to her side and shrugged. She could determine the size of the paper after she saw what size was available.