It was the end of the discussion just like that? Aubrey had never been able to do anything other than clean with a broom and as soon as she heard about flying at Diagon Alley she was stoked. It would be safe to say that flying was the thing that she was looking forward to the most.
"What other cool stuff will we get to do?" she asked a little defeated.
She was ready to move on the the food. At least THAT wouldn't let her down. Where was her stick? AJ looked at the guy who kept going on about the sticks, but had yet to give her one.
"Yoohoo... me, pick me!" Did she have to beg for it?
While her sister got her memory together, AJ took it upon herself to get to know Benjamin a bit better.
"So Benjamin, how's it going?" He didn't talk very much and AJ thought that was kind of weird, but only because she herself loved to talk sooo much that she couldn't wrap her head around why others may not feel the same way as her.
"How old are you? How do you like being in Gryffindor?" She hoped that all of her questions weren't making him uneasy.
"Did you wanna roast with us?" Because he totally could if he wanted to.
The first year was liking the way that Lex was saying that the real party would stop once the professors were out of here. She was really liking the sound of that. Not that they were really hurting anything and the were roasting food on a stick so that was always a bonus.
"Okay." Yay. She wanted to grab a stick and roast with her, but why wouldn't she? Who would really say no to food in any form?
Aubrey Valentine was impressive, the older girl had just confirmed it.
"Oh yeah, I remember different people telling me things that the hat took into consideration so I guess that would be true." Abby was very different from her in so many ways. It kind of sucked that she was in a different house, but at the same time it was nice to have a little independence from her sister. Sure, Angel was here with her but it was one less sister to deal with.
When were the professors going to be leaving. She had to try to hide a yawn. She did NOT want to look lame in front of the cool older girl.