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....................... 0_____________________o
Seren watched as Angel entered, and closed the door behind her. There was no mistaking the fact that the girl was upset, that much had been evident on her face the moment she saw her... and it only seemed to be getting worse. In fact, she reminded her of Derfael in that sense, just watching his face contort before the tears came. Merlin. Tears.
Instinctively, Seren stepped up to Angel and put her arms around her into a hug. Shhhhhh shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ".... it's going to be alright... come, tell me what's wrong," she soothed, gesturing to the puffy stools where she too sat herself - unwilling at this point to put a table between them. It was hardly conducive to nurturing. "Can I pour you a tea?" she asked.
Angel had not been expecting the Professor to hug her, she just stared into space a few seconds before returning the hug that the Professor was giving her. "I..." Angel stopped for a few seconds trying to stop the tears that were forming in her eyes.
"I.. miss home and my garden." Angel sighed as she felt the first tear coming down her face. "I have my very own garden at home because I love gardening." Angel sighed as she tried to hold back the tears but she wasn't very successful. "My mum says she'll look after the garden but it's not the same anything can go wrong." Angel sighed and then heard what the Professor said next.
"Yes please." Angel really wanted a cup of tea to try and calm her shaking nerves down, she really missed home.