Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Mhm.. A salute from Theo. Józsua was fine with that seeing as he didn't want to talk. His eyes shifted from the boy to Terry once again who hadn't taken the non too subtle hint.. Bullseye. Right on the face. He nodded once in acknowledgement to Terry's thanks, small amused smile playing on his lips. He shook his head. “No worries.” The wind? “Yea... massive gusts of wind are a real problem here in the dungeons.” He mused lightly and sarcastically. Still, Terry had actually managed to get a smile out of him. So kudos to the kid.
Enter Ascanius... and the smile, albeit small, had gone..
Atmosphere? Knives?
Yea... Tell me about it, Terry.
...Actually, no. DON'T. No need for the running commentary. This was awkward enough..
He could tell Ascanius was itching to say something. He opened his book again.. casual like... fully aware that he was being glared at. Fair enough really... but he wasn't going to make things worse by staring back. When Ascanius spoke, he and raised his eyes to the boy once again..
The mere mention of Derry's name made that guilt in his stomach knot tightly.. “M'sure I'm the last person Derry wants to see.” He replied quietly. He sighed, closing his book. Was this going to be it for the entire year? Feeling uncomfortable in your own dorm? Still... He deserved that too. But being hit would be preferable. Painful but swift.. not drawn out like this slow torture.
He leaned forward a little.. still looking at Ascanius. “...How's.. how's she doing?” He asked hesitantly not caring if he was leaving himself wide open for a verbal bashing.. Cos yea.. he CARED about the girl. And missed her terribly.
Aaaand enter West Odessa.. Thank Merlin.
West who Józsua wondered if he was really was so oblivious to the things around him.. who was decorating his part of the dorm as always. The familiarity of it was strangely comforting. Things were normal. Same as always...
Back to his book.... which he wasn't even reading anyway.
Unable to concentrate, the words on the page were making no sense. All detached from one another. Bit like the lads in this dorm, Józsua thought as he glanced over at Theo who was grumbling about something or another. All so different.
He nodded at West in greeting with an actual smile.. An Idea..? "Does this mean being social...?" Because.. yea... Not currently very comfortable with that idea.
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